English Introduction
Er Chong Junior High School, Hsinchu County, Taiwan, ROC
Er Chong Junior High School was found in 1956 . It is near Hsinchu Science Park and ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute). We pursue holistic education, with balanced learning in curriculums, sports and diversified clubs. Besides,we provide every student with a safe and positive environment to empower students’ ability to develop a lifelong interest in learning.
Grades Offered: Grades 7-9
Total Students: 812
Number of Classes: 28
Number of Faculty and Staff: 80
To keep a kind heart.
To do the right thing.
To cultivate the good ability
n Service n Sports n Academics n Dance
n Music n Skills
- n Language contest
- n Mathematical games
- n Outdoor education
- n Sports competition
- n Science camp
- n Scouting camp
- Achieved the best performance in the 2017 National Music Competition of Chinese Orchestra.
- Achieved the best performance in the 2017 National Music Competition of pipe music ensemble.
- 2016 National Teacher Professional Development Model School.
- 2016 Hsinchu County volleyball champion.
- 2016 Hsinchu County rope skipping champion.